Thursday, August 28, 2014

Why Every Adult Should Strength Train

    For many adults, strength training seems like it can cause more harm than good. Typically, the general thought and portrayal of strength training is “weight lifting,” big scary guys smashing around heavy weights and screaming, causing many gym settings to be very intimidating. However, there is a distinct difference between strength training and weightlifting. Strength training is focused on safe and efficient training with an emphasis on technique and slow methodical movement of resistance.  Many questions are likely to arise when considering starting a strength training program.  Listed below is information regarding common questions and concerns to help you make the best decision possible for you and your health.

  • I have constant aches and pains in my joints and muscles, and the extra strain would only make it worse.
    • Low impact exercise is a great way to reduce joint pain. Along with strength training other examples include: swimming, biking, and walking. Strength training is particularly effective because not only are you reducing impact on your joints, but also you are stimulating the growth and strengthening of the muscles and other surrounding tissues that provide strength and support to the joints. The final benefit exercise has for joints and muscle tissue is it stimulates blood flow to the muscles and joints being exercised, providing oxygen rich blood to support the healing processes of the body.
  • Isn’t cardio training enough?
    • Contrary to popular belief strength training can be more effective for fat reduction than cardiovascular training (running, walking etc.). The common misconception is that strength training is a way to gain weight and running or walking is a way to lose weight.  According to a study by the MacArthur Foundation, strength training increases your metabolism. As we increase the amount of muscle tissue in our body we burn more calories at rest, which is where we burn 60-75% of our daily calories.
  • Strength training increases other body functions, not just muscular strength.
    • According to a 2004 study conducted by Men’s Health, “Strength training also helps your body make better use of the sugar in your bloodstream and the stored glucose in your muscles- all of which slashes your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.”
  • Every time you strength train you create microscopic tears in the muscle tissue, over the next 48-72 hours the muscle tissue repairs itself and results in increased lean muscle.  In Dr. Covert Bailey’s book Smart Exercise, he discusses the ways in which increased lean body tissues contribute directly to fat reduction.  “This increase in lean body tissue raises your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). BMR is the total amount of calories your body burns at rest in a day. Higher BMR means more calories burned, and more calories burned means more fat lost.”

    These are just a few reasons that strength training is a great way to not only improve strength but also your overall quality of life.  The links listed below provide credible information on high intensity training and strength training.

Bailey, C. (1994). Smart exercise: burning fat, getting fit. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Westcott, W. (1995, January 1). 12 Reasons Every Adult Should Strength Train. Nautilus, Summer Issue, 36-37.

White, J. (2004, April 1). What Else Can Weightlifting Do?. Men's Fitness , 20.

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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Strength Training for Flexibility

When it comes to flexibility, there are several misconceptions that are spread around by well-meaning athletes and fitness enthusiasts. In order to improve flexibility and ultimately health, one must consider scientific research that is available as well as utilize a basic understanding of exercise physiology to make logical decisions. Many people consider flexibility and stretching to be synonymous to each other. The truth is that stretching is not the only way to improve flexibility and it may not always be an effective way to improve flexibility.
Holt et al. defined flexibility as “an intrinsic property of body tissues that determines range of motion achievable without injury at a joint or group of joints,” (1996). Static and/or dynamic stretching, when performed appropriately, may be an effective way to improve range of motion or flexibility. However, strength training through a full range of motion has also shown to improve flexibility. James Whitehead, EdD, of the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks conducted a study wherein college-age volunteers participated in either strength training or stretching regimens for five weeks. Results suggested that full-range strength training regimens can increase flexibility as well, or perhaps better than, typical stretching regimens (2010). The concept of people participating in strength training becoming “muscle-bound” is outdated and incorrect. Furthermore, Santos et al. (2010) concluded sedentary women were able to significantly increase their flexibility from baseline after eight weeks of strength training. In addition, Fatouros et al. concluded that inactive men between the ages of 65-78 years were able to significantly increase their range of motion through strength training (2006).
A review of scientific literature conducted by Thacker et al. (1996) concluded that no sufficient evidence exists to either endorse or discontinue routine stretching before or after exercise. Perhaps the biggest mistake made when stretching (which almost makes the activity unadvisable) is to stretch to the point of pain. When tiny intrinsic fibers inside of muscle spindles are stretched too hard and too fast, they automatically send a signal to the spinal cord, which relays a signal to larger extrinsic fibers to contract. This is known as the Stretch Reflex. What does this mean? When we stretch our muscles to the point of pain, that muscle is automatically contracted (shortened), giving the opposite effect of the initial objective. Some guidelines can be found through the link below:
            Anyone who wants to improve flexibility may be most effective in doing so by strength training slowly and under control through a full range of motion. Fast, ballistic movements risk initiating the Stretch Reflex and can decrease flexibility. Anyone still wishing to participate in traditional stretching movements would be wise to do so to the point of tension but not pain, and to perform stretches after exercise. This can be a great way to relax the muscles after vigorous activity, which can reduce blood pooling and have a calming effect on the mental and emotional state of the exerciser.

Fatouros, I.G., Kambas, A., Katrabasas, I, Leontsini, D., Chatzinikolaou, A., Jamurtas, A.Z., Douroudos, I., Aggelousis, N., Taxildaris, K. (2006). Resistance training and detraining effects on flexibility performance in the elderly are intensity-dependent. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 20, 3, Retrieved July 8, 2014, from
Holt, J., Holt, L.E., Pelham, T.W. (1996). Flexibility redefined. Biomechanics in Sport, 13, 170-175

Santos, E., Rhea, M.R., Simao, R., Dias, I., De Salles, B.F., Noveas, J., Leite, T., Blair, J.C., Bunker, D.J. (2010). Influence of moderately intense strength training on flexibility in sedentary young women. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 24,11, 3144-3149

Thacker, S.B., Gilchrist, J., Stroup, D.F., Kimsey, C.D. (2004). The impact of stretching on sports injury risk: a systematic review of literature. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 36, 3, 371-378

Whitehead, J.R. (2010). Resistance training improves flexibility, too. WebMD Health News, Retreved July 8, 2014, from