Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Protein Consumption

Can you consume too much protein?  Is it dangerous?

According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, on average, Americans consume between one-and-a-half to two times more protein than the daily recommended intake established by the World Health Organization.

It is also common for athletes and bodybuilders to believe a higher protein diet is critical to achieve peak performance or results.  In reality, the athletes or bodybuilders are either already getting enough protein or their higher protein needs are being met with the higher caloric diet required to meet the caloric demands of the activity.

Is it dangerous? More research is needed on this subject, but in general:

1)      In most cases, you do not need more protein or a protein supplement.
2)      Diets with a healthy mix of lean non-processed animal protein and plant protein (grains, vegetables, legumes) are best.
3)      Some research has indicated that high protein diets are linked to kidney disease, prostate cancer, and colon cancer.
4)      Diets higher in animal protein or with fatty or processed animal proteins have a higher risk to the diseases listed above as well as heart disease.

The following websites were used in answering the question: