Do naps have health benefits for adults? What are the dos and don’ts of naps?
More than a third of American adults are not getting the
recommend seven or more hours of sleep per night on a regular basis. Naps are not a substitute for a good night sleep,
but they do provide some health benefits:
Enhances performance and reduces mistakes. A NASA study found sleepy pilots improved
performance by 30% post a 40 minute nap.
Increases alertness and may extend alertness later into
the day. The same NASA study found the
sleepy pilots improved alertness by 100% post nap.
Reduces stress and can improve mood.
What are the do and don’ts of a nap?
Naps should not replace a night of sleep.
If you are not tired, don’t force yourself to nap.
Naps should be “power naps” and only last 20 to 30
Should occur in a restful environment (quiet and dark).
Should not occur too early in the morning as your body
needs to transition away from the night sleep state.
Generally, should not occur after 3pm to avoid impacting
your night sleeping pattern.
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