There has
always been a cloud of hesitancy around strength training. Now, some may feel
that it is meant only for athletes who must compete at a high, physical level.
However, there were times when even athletes were told to stay away from the
activity, until the added strength and stability resistance training provides
was fully understood and appreciated. And can’t we all benefit form a little
more strength and stability? So, in truth, strength training can (and should)
be viewed as a method to benefit all, regardless of the individual’s activity
level, age, or gender. One large benefit of strength training that every person
should find of interest is the ability to strengthen our bones, the first layer
of foundation for our body.
Sherk et
al. found that those who strength train have a significantly higher bone
mineral density than those who do not (2010).
Those with a higher bone mineral density have stronger bones, and thus a
sturdier foundation. The International
Osteoporosis Foundation (2017) report that, in the US, over 45 million people suffer
from osteoporosis. For those 50 years or older, one’s risk for having either
osteoporosis or low bone mineral density is 55%. Luckily, strength training has shown to have
benefits in all age ranges, and that elderly individuals can benefit just as
much as their younger counterparts.
Warren et al. concluded a study that middle aged women who progressively
strength trained had a significantly higher bone mineral density within the
femoral neck- a common location for hip fractures- than those who did not
(2008).The strength of our hip and low back become extremely important as we
age to reduce our risk of injuries. To further support that any age group can
benefit from strength training, Taunton et al. conducted a study using
participants age 75-80 to show the positive effects of strength training on
bone mineral density. Specifically, the study showed that strength training
significantly improved bone mass in the lumbar spine of the low back (2002).
This is extremely relevant as the World Health Organization has stated that
60-70% of the population will experience low back pain, with an increased risk
above age 55. Clearly, strength training has no limits on what age range it can
have also followed the bone mineral density in those who are trying to lose
weight and have been placed on a lower calorie diet. Beavers et al. compared
the effects of resistance training to aerobic exercise on bone mineral density
in a population trying to lose fat mass.
It was determined that strength training significantly preserved more
bone strength than aerobic exercise. This is very important because many people
feel that when trying to lose weight, cardio is the answer. However, strength
training offers many important benefits as well.
There are
many benefits that can be acquired when one begins strength training. One large
benefit is the ability to increase one’s bone strength. While this can be
advantageous at any age, it especially becomes important as we progress later
in life when our bones become weaker. While it is important to try to
strengthen one’s bones as early as possible in life, plenty of research
supports that beginning a strength training program at any age can have a
significant and positive effect on bone mineral density. It is time to view
strength training as a tool for all, because we all deserve the benefits.
V.D., Bemben, M.G., & Bemben, D. A. (2010). Comparisons of bone mineral
density and bone quality in adult rock climbers, resistance- trained men, and
untrained men. Journal Of Strength
& Conditioning Research (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins), 24(9), 2468-2474.
Beavers, K. M., Beavers, D. R., Martin, S. B., Marsh, A.
R., Lyles, M. F., Lenchik, L., & ... Marsh, A. P. (2017). Change in Bone
Mineral Density During Weight Loss with Resistance Versus Aerobic Exercise
Training in Older Adults. Journals Of Gerontology Series
A: Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences, 72(11), 1582-1585. doi:10.1093/gerona/glx048
Taunton, J., Donnelly, M., Rhodes, E., Elliott, J., Martin, A.,
& Hetyei, J. (2002). Weight training in elderly women: the effects of
progressive resistance training on body composition, muscular strength, bone
mineral density, functional ability and psychosocial attitudes of women 75-80
years. New Zealand Journal Of Sports Medicine, 30(4), 106-113.
Warren, M., Petit, M. A., Hannan, P. J., & Schmitz, K. H.
(2008). Strength Training Effects on Bone Mineral Content and Density in
Premenopausal Women. Medicine & Science In
Sports & Exercise, 40(7), 1282-1288.