Monday, December 18, 2017

Winter vs. Summer Illnesses

With winter finally arriving, is it true that more people fall ill in winter vs. summer?

The month with the most people sick is usually September.  The primary driver is kids going back to school and the mass spreading of germs.  Outside of September, it is generally true that the winter tends to be worse than summer for illnesses.

Some of the reasons include:
•People spend more times indoors
•People are less active in cold weather.  Less activity negatively impacts the health of the immune system
•Cold weather suppresses the immune processes that defend against infection
•Viruses stay suspended in winter air longer (when exhaled, the moisture surrounding the virus evaporates quickly, making the viruses lighter)
•The most common ailments, the common cold and influenza, are winter viruses

How to combat:
•Get outside
•Remain active and exercise consistently
•Get a flu shot
•Wash your hands frequently/cover your mouth when you cough
•Maintain proper nutrition

The following websites were used in answering the question:

Friday, December 1, 2017

Managing the Holiday Season

The holiday season is upon us.  It can be a happy and joyous time, but it can also be a frenetic, anxious, or depressing time.  What are some tips to help individuals manage the season?

The holiday season can be wonderful and yet challenging time.  Below are some tips to make the season a littler easier to manage.

         Have modest expectations- don’t let the materialism and commercialization dictate how the holidays are supposed to look or feel

         Plan ahead and stick to the plan
        Be intentional about your holiday plans
        What and who you will buy for this season
        Where and when you will go places
        Who you will spend time with
        When breaks are needed from the hustle and bustle

         Keep you habits - don’t let the holiday season dramatically change certain habits
        Eating habits
        Sleeping habits
        Your normal routine
        Alcoholic intake

         Regular Exercise - it is great for burning calories, but also good for bouts of depression or anxiety

         Get outside – sunshine, fresh air and physical activity are great ways to help us regulate stressors.

The following websites were used in answering the question: